Dear all,
Just thought that you would like to know that my cat IZZY has died, he had cancer and was put to sleep yesterday 23rd December. I took ownership of him and his brother Sooty (previously Kieran) on 15th November 2022 from your premises near Billesdon.
It has been an interesting two years looking after Izzy, he disappeared for ten days in the early weeks and was only recovered when a neighbour spotted him about a mile away and I was able to fetch him back. He settled in well after that, usually going out after his breakfast, often not reappearing until well into the afternoon having spent time in one or two of my neighbour’s houses! He hated being shut in at night after dark, if he had his way, he would be out at night too. Sooty on the other hand is mostly an indoor cat, he is in good health, very greedy and loves lots of fuss. Izzy was the dominant cat of the two always bossing his brother whenever he could, he was very independent, taking fuss strictly on his own terms and rarely sitting on my lap. Both are/were very difficult patients at the vet and it was always a stressful time there for everyone.
I miss Izzy a lot but I am very pleased that I was able to give him a good home for the last two years of his life. Unfortunately I now have only one cat to share my bed at night!