Henry (Formerly Spud)
Jade Walker-Rainbow2022-07-23T21:39:56+01:00Hi,  We thought we would drop you a line to let you know how Spud (now Henry) is getting on.  Henry came home a couple of weeks ago and has wasted no time in getting his paws under the table! In his first couple of weeks he has been settling in, and getting used to us as a family. He is a very nimble little lad, and has been demonstrating his climbing skills on chairs and table!  Henry gets very excited when it’s walkies time, and has been enjoying getting used to all the exciting smells and scents around the village; he has made a friend with a little female terrier in the park and had a nice play, but in the main he is happy to walk with us and sniff everything! He is working well on walking nicely,