Good morning!
Thank you so much for your call last night. I’ve been unable to answer/make any calls since Friday so I apologise for not being able to speak to you sooner.
Speaking to you helped me feel a bit more positive about the things we discussed and I hope these are things we can work through with time.
Drac manages to make himself comfortable in the strangest positions I’ve ever seen – he loves spreading out in his bed and having a snooze.
The greeting we get from him after walking back in the room (even if we only left 2 minutes before) is always lovely, he’s a very loving doggy and always pleased to see us. He’s also been friendly with family members that have been round to meet him.
As promised, I’ve attached a few photos of what he’s been up to – mainly sleeping on my feet or sunbathing in the garden and enjoying the sunshine 🌞
Best wishes,