Good Evening,

I thought I email you to let you know that Lightning Strike, who we’ve renamed Pickle, has settled in with us very well. She’s really made herself at home & spends most of her time in my daughter’s bedroom.

She’s a very confident, friendly & inquisitive little cat. She wants to make friends with our older cat, Button, who is still unsure about having a new friend and has kept her distance. Button has growled a bit when Pickle comes too close, but that’s all, so hopefully that will settle down soon. Button was used to living with another cat before, but she was the younger one then & has been used to being the only cat here for a couple of years now.

Pickle is also a very clever cat. She’s found she can push doors open easily if we don’t shut them properly, she already knows which cupboard has the cat food in and when we brought her home, she soon found & used the litter tray, without us even showing it too her. She’s settled well at night & shares a room with Button at bedtime & there’s no arguing. Button sleeps in her tunnel bed & Pickle has taken to sleeping on a blanket on the dresser, despite having a new bed for herself! Pickle is not fussy about food either & is eating well too.

I’ve attached a few photos – she’s already found a spot on my daughter’s bed & on the sofa! She also spends a lot of time stretched out on the floor, so my son calls her “long cat”.

We’ve also found Pickle has a very loud purr – it’s like an engine running.

Thank you for letting us take her home x

Kind Regards,
