
Well Saffie has now been with us for nearly nine months and today she is celebrating her 8th birthday!
She is an absolute delight and has turned into a lovely relaxed dog. She loves going out and is great in the car. Last week she had her first seaside holiday in our caravan and paddled in the sea. We bought her a long line and she loved chasing into the waves after stone’s. She never managed to retrieve them though .!
She has been in a couple of fun dog shows and has won two rosettes. Mind,if I say so myself, she is a stunning looking girl. Everybody at the local vets is in love with her and she is the first Staffie we have owned that has enjoyed vet visits. Young Jack, who we rescued from you 10 years ago, would have eaten a vet!
Here are a few photos of her.
Nicola and Paul